Background. The idea behind Group Play is to enable club members to play with people with whom they feel compatible. That is, with others of a comparable skill level, or because they are neighbors, or because they are all beginners, or they don’t like the Group they are in, or any one of the myriad reasons people get together to do anything. In this case, pickleball is the organizing vehicle.
Forming A Group
 a. Purpose. Decide why you are forming the Group. Is it to have more competitive play, get together some neighbors who are club members, etc. Once that is done, then get about recruiting people for your group.
b. Submit Your Group for Registration. Just answer the following questions in an email you send to GROUP REGISTRATION will be in the subject line of the email. The club program administrator will review your request, run a
compatibility test, and then register the Group if no changes are required. Once registered, the Group Leader will be sent instructions on registering in the reservations system and how to use it.
1. Group Name
2. Skill Level (from 2.5 to 4.0)
3. Group Leader Name
4. Group Alternate Name
5. List of Members
6. Accepting New Members?
7. Narrative. A brief description of what your group is about. An example might be
“Our Group is primarily dedicated to having some fun playing pickleball. Of course,
we are competitive but do not let that get in the way of having a fun time. The Group
is comprised of people who have played 6 months or longer.”
8. Name and email of Group Contact. Usually the Group Leader.
1. Groups are organized and managed by individual club members who are identified as the “Group Leader.” The club does not assign people to groups, manage group memberships, or make reservations. This is the responsibility of the Group Leader or their Alternate. However, the club does reserve the right to control Group memberships based on the
“Similarity Restriction” as outlined below.
2. A Leader or Alternate may serve in such a position for only one group at a time.
3. Similarity Restriction. A group may not be populated by 60% of the members from another group. This restriction is applied to keep people from “gaming” the system by making more reservations than allowed a single registrant (i.e., a Group). This is managed outside the reservations system by a club member appointed to monitor the Group memberships.
4. Court reservations are required and can be made a maximum of 3 days in advance of the play date. All players must be Stone Creek Pickleball Club members. Only Group Leaders or Alternates are allowed to make court reservations.
5. You must be a member of a specific group to play during their reservation time. Non-club members or guests are not allowed in Group play. This rule is intended to keep Leaders and Alternates from reserving courts and then hoping they can get enough Group members and/or casual players to occupy them. Also encourages more “hands-on” Group management.
6. Reservations, when available, can only be made by a Group for one 2-hour time slot. A maximum of 2 courts per day, running concurrently, is allowed. Game finished or not, courts must be vacated at the expiration of the reservation time. Reservations can only be made in the reservation windows of 7-9 AM, 9-11 AM, 4–6 PM, 6–8 PM, or 8–10 PM.
Reservations not meeting this requirement will be deleted by the system monitor.
7. Reservation Windows. To increase availability, the Club restricts reservations to specific windows such as those listed in the preceeding paragraph. Reservations may not start or end at any other times. These windows may change and, if so, will be announced in a club-wide email.
8. Forfeit. At least 4 Group members must be on each reserved court within 30 minutes of the reservation start time or the reservation for that court is forfeited.
9. Inactive Groups will be de-listed and reservations privileges removed for their Leaders/Alternates. These are defined as groups that have not used a reservation in the Pickle Planner system for 60 consecutive days